The world isn’t a wish-granting factory – 3/30

Putri Ardhia
3 min readJul 4, 2024


When I was a child, I was always told that there comes a rainbow after the rain. There comes peace, from war. Wonderful things, they come, following hardships.

The statements sound like we can experience joy, only because we have suffered through the pain. Interpretations vary for every one of us. How we perceive a particular subject determines our state of being at that moment. Then, what should we do in times of crisis? How do we navigate through the thunderstorms? When will we see daylight?

Photo by João Emanuel on Unsplash

Be emotional, then logical

During uncertain times, our brain tends to get fuzzy. This could lead to a spiralling mess. In our head, we can only be logical, after we have been emotional. Release all that you have so you do not contain how you feel. Take a deep breath. You can be as sad as you want, but you must promise yourself that you can also be as happy as you can. Things only get more complicated when you bury them down.

Most certainly, it is not your fault

When things are not going your way, most of the times, it happens because some magical force that the universe upholds do not allow it to happen. Why? It might not be your time yet. Or it might not be your place – you are not in the right spot.

You can get back up again

The times might have taken your dreams away, broken families apart, but you should never lose sight of who you are and what you value. In case you got to the point where all is lost – even yourself is lost – take some time to reflect. When you can fall down 1000 times, you certainly can bounce back for the 1001st time. The times might also help you, give you opportunities, access to things you hadn’t realised because you were focusing on other things.

Some side effects may occur

Victim mentality, impostor syndrome, depression, you name it. When you have been down bad, at your lowest lows, it is natural to be surrounded by negative emotions. Sadness, fear, anger, disgust. The challenge is though, to know when you have expressed enough, then move on with life. It is also normal to feel mixed of feelings throughout the healing process. What matters is, you do not give up.

When I was struggling with a relationship, got tested positive during the pandemic, got laid off from my dream job, I was in a state of panic. All seems to be going wrong at the wrong time. Yet… I sought help, from friends, seniors, professionals. They helped me to gain clarity of what could be in front of me – the light that I have been meaning to see, but I was too fogged to view through.

As time went on, I managed to refocus my lens, channeling my energy to more positive activities: fitness and sports, community work, damn, working at the company I thought I would never associate myself for. The more I learn, the more I come to accept that: things won’t always go your way, and it’s usually not your fault. You may have outgrown your circle, may have changed your mind about your dreams, and so on, but you should know that you have you. You are the only one who knows how hard you have worked until this day. Be proud of that.

Yesterday was an overwhelming day – which pretty much paused my train of thoughts. Before my exam today, suddenly it all made sense. This was what I managed to put out into the world. Hope you get the message I intended to share. Have a great day ahead!



Putri Ardhia

Documenting my journey, personal views and reflection, inspired by life. In a quest to be a better human being.